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Margam a Documentary DVD on Syro-Malabar Church
A documentary DVD, Margam, on Syro-Malabar Church is available at Catechetical Center, Mount St. Thomas, Kakkanad. Margam is a journey that will take you through the soul of the Syro-Malabar Community on the Way of Thomas with a duration of 90minutes.

DVD on Saints from Syro-Malabar Church Click to Video Gallery
The Synodal Commission for Catechesis has prepared short documentaries on St. Alphonsa, St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara and St. Euphrasia. The DVDs are available at the Catechetical Center, Mount St. Thomas and various diocesan catechetical centers. For those who are not able to collect DVD from the Center, can easily download it from our web site, under the head video gallery.

DVD based on Syro Malabar Catechetical Text Books
The present DVD is a visualization of our text books, On the Path of Salvation. In it all the 15 chapters of our each text book is presented with an almost 90minuts. By watching this DVD one can see and hear the text book. We hope that this will help our catechetical ministry more effective and attractive. Now the DVD for first and second standards has been released and for higher classes will release soon. Its cost is only Rs. 60, postage extra.

Power Point Presentation DVD Click to Download Page
Power point presentation DVD based on our text book has been released and it is available at the Catechetical Center, Mount St. Thomas and various diocesan catechetical centers. For those who are not able to collect DVD from the Center, can easily download it from our web site, under the head teaching aid. As you know this is only a teaching aid which helps the teachers to prepare their own power point presentation. We hope that the teachers will prepare a power point presentation of their own for their classes.